Nanoscale Solar Water Splitting vs Conventional Solar Water Splitting

September 27, 2021


With the increasing demand for clean energy solutions, solar water splitting has received attention as a way of producing hydrogen, a clean and sustainable fuel. Conventional solar water splitting has been around for a while, but nanoscale solar water splitting is a relatively new and emerging technology. In this blog post, we will compare nanoscale solar water splitting with conventional solar water splitting and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

Nanoscale Solar Water Splitting

Nanoscale solar water splitting involves the use of nanoparticles (usually metal oxide or metal chalcogenide) that are photoactive and can absorb sunlight. These particles are dispersed in water and can split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen using sunlight.

One of the advantages of nanoscale solar water splitting is that it is a highly efficient process. The nanoscale size of the particles provides a large surface area for chemical reactions, which means more efficient water splitting. Additionally, this method requires less energy to split water, which makes it less expensive and more sustainable.

However, nanoscale solar water splitting has some limitations. One of the biggest issues is the stability of the nanoparticles, as they can easily corrode or agglomerate, reducing their efficiency. The production of nanoparticles is also expensive and requires specialized equipment, which can make this method costly.

Conventional Solar Water Splitting

Conventional solar water splitting involves the use of semiconductors that convert sunlight into electrical energy, which can split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. This method has been around for a while, and there has been significant research into developing highly efficient semiconductors for this process.

One of the advantages of conventional solar water splitting is that it is more stable than nanoscale solar water splitting. Semiconductors are more durable and less likely to corrode or agglomerate, which means they can last longer and be used on a larger scale. Additionally, the production of semiconductors is less expensive than the production of nanoparticles.

However, the downside of conventional solar water splitting is that it is less efficient than nanoscale solar water splitting. The size of the semiconductors is larger, which means a smaller surface area for chemical reactions. Additionally, more energy is required to split water, and the process can be quite expensive.


In conclusion, both nanoscale and conventional solar water splitting have their advantages and disadvantages. Nanoscale solar water splitting is highly efficient and requires less energy, but it is also more expensive and less stable. Conventional solar water splitting is more stable and less expensive, but it is also less efficient and requires more energy. As technology continues to develop, we may see advancements in both methods that will make them more efficient and sustainable.


  1. Liu, B., Aydin, E., & Ye, J. (2019). Nanoscale Metal Oxides and Chalcogenides for Solar Water Splitting. ACS Energy Letters, 4(7), 1650–1668.
  2. Fujishima, A., & Honda, K. (1972). Electrochemical Photolysis of Water at a Semiconductor Electrode. Nature, 238(5358), 37–38.

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